“The UNY Graduate School has the icon "It's more than just a degree". This means the Graduate School program organizes academic and non-academic activities not only to deliver graduates to obtain diplomas but also to provide various academic and non-academic activities that make graduates have superior abilities and ready to compete in the global era," said Prof. Dr. Anik Ghufron, M.Pd in the Graduate School Administrative Services Evaluation Workshop as the Director of UNY Graduate School.

This activity is a series of Education Personnel activities consisting of submitting reports on all obstacles and constraints from each unit including Academic, Umper, Finance, Journal, Publication, and Library units. Through this activity, each unit can convey constraints and find the best solution. Those who took part in this activity were all Education personnel of UNY Graduate School.

Eny Kuswandari, M.Pd as the Coordinator, stated that the educational staff on duty at UNY Graduate School or in other units within UNY that take charge of providing academic and non-academic services to students and lecturers of UNY Graduate are basically sufficient in terms of number and variety. An employee should have certain skills to make the services provided more effective and efficient, besides that students as service recipients will also get satisfaction. Then, the purpose of evaluating administrative services at UNY Graduate School can determine the principles, standards, steps, and strategies for academic administration services carried out by administrative staff to students. It also purposes to find the supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of services, evaluate programs/activities that have been carried out, and prepare follow-up and implementation plans in 2023 (ant)