Jenjang S2 Magister Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan

Educational Research and Evaluation (ERE) Study Program


Educational Research and Evaluation (ERE) Study Program offers master and doctoral programs. Master program in ERE in Yogyakarta State University (YSU) has been being operated since the academic year of 1981/1982, gaining support from The Ford Foundation. In preparing the opening of Educational Research and Evaluation Study Program, The Ford Foundation offered assistance by providing two lecturers from the United States of America (USA): Dr. Gary L. Theissen from the University of Iowa and Dr. F.X.R. Fernandez from the University of Michigan, for the first three years. In the next period, 1985 until 1987, the lecturer who assisted the newly opened study program was Dr. Loxley. In the period of 1984 until 1986, the Graduate School of Yogyakarta Institute of Teacher Training and Education (ITTE), or currently known as YSU, cooperated with the University of Iowa in terms of lecturers exchange. 
In preparing the teaching staffs for ERE study program, in 1983 and 1984, four lecturers from Yogyakarta ITTE were sent to the US to learn educational research, assessment, and evaluation: Suyata, Mulyani Nurhadi, Zamroni, and Djemari Mardapi. In 1988, all of the lecturers who were assigned to study abroad had finished their study and started to teach their students in ERE study program in the Graduate School of Yogyakarta ITTE. The Graduate School of Yogyakarta ITTE was pioneered by Dr. Moh. Amin who occupied directorship in 1981 until 1997, and was continued by Sumarno, Ph.D., Prof. Djemari Mardapi, Ph.D., Prof. Soenarto, Ph.D., Wardan Suyanto, Ed.D., and Prof. Dr. Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo, M.Ed. as the current Director.


By the year of 2025, the study program will become superior study program in applying and developing educational assessment, evaluation, and research methodologies in South-East Asian region; producing graduates who are religious, smart, having local wisdoms and Indonesian values.


  1. Organizing Master and Doctoral programs in Educational Research and Evaluation,
  2. Organizing training in educational assessment, evaluation, and research methodologies,
  3. Conducting research, study, and implementation of educational measurement, assessment, and evaluation methodologies,
  4. Developing educational assessment, research, and evaluation methodologies for specific needs.

Graduate Prospects

  1. The study program creates professional masters and doctors of Educational Research and Evaluation who:
    • are religious;
    • have noble character, open attitude, critical, local wisdom, Indonesian values, and responsive attitude to the advancement of science and technology and art;
    • apply various methods of education research, assessment and evaluation;
    • are capable at developing research, evaluation and education assessment methods
    • are capable at analyzing and developing test and non-test instruments;
    • are able to develop knowledge, technology, and or art in the field of education research and evaluation;
    • are able to manage research and development that are beneficial to the community and science, and get national and international recognition.
  2. The study program creates high quality and useful study products that are carried out in an integrated manner with the implementation of master's and doctoral programs.

Academic Excellence

  1. ERE study program, both master and doctoral programs, is accredited A from the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education, and is the best ERE study program in Indonesia.
  2. Having lecturers/teaching staffs who are competent in the field of educational assessment, research, and evaluation.
  3. Having having a representative laboratory od educational research and evaluation.
  4. Having an accredited research journal, entitled Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan.
  5. Having lecturers/teaching staffs who are experienced in the field of educational research, assessment, and evaluation.
  6. Having a broad cooperation network, both in domestic area and abroad.
  7. Having a strong alumnae network throughout Indonesia.
  8. Having an up-to-date official website.
  9. Having graduates who are spread in 33 provinces in Indonesia.

Accreditation and Academic Achievements:

Both of the study programs (master's and doctoral degrees) received A Predicate.
Academic Achievements:

  1. Lecturers and graduates are occupied by various domestic and foreign institutions. Domestically, it includes the Ministry of Education and Culture, Center for Development and Empowerment of Educators and Education Personnel (P4TK), Educational Quality Assurance Institutions (LPMP), Universities, Education, Schools and so on, while from overseas institutions, there are ones from Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Suriname, and so on.
  2. The graduates are competent in the fields of education measurement, research and evaluation and are also highly competitive.
  3. Many of the graduates work as researchers in the Ministry of Education and Culture, as lecturers at public and private universities, as evaluators in district / city education offices, and teachers in schools.
  4. Some lecturers become assessors of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT)
  5. The lecturers have served as the Chairperson of the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) and Chairperson of the National Teacher Certification.
  6. All the lecturers become speakers at seminars at both regional and national levels. There are even lecturers who become speakers at international levels.
  7. Many of the students have become presenters / speakers in national and international seminars.


There are several scholarships that can be accessed, including:

  1. Beasiswa Unggulan from the Ministry of Education and Culture 
  2. Beasiswa Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) 
  3. Beasiswa Unggulan Dosen Indonesia (BUDI) 
  4. MORA Scholarship 


Some institutions that have collaborated with this study program are presented as follows.

  1. Ministry of Religion
  2. Directorate of Vocational High School Development
  3. Educational Assessment Center (Puspendik)

Academic Staff

The head of the study program    : Prof. Dr. Badrun Kartowagiran, M.Pd. 
Secretary            : Dr. Edi Istiyono, M.Si.

For More Information